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We Live, We Love, We Serve
What to Expect When You Visit

We are a Radically Inclusive, Welcoming, and Affirming Community.

What does this mean? It means we see the Divine in, through, and as everyone. All who seek this teaching and spiritual path are welcome here! There are people who practice Buddhism or other spiritual teachings, religions, and philosophies and attend CSLGB. Religious Science is compatible with any teaching that provides the Spiritual Seeker with greater clarity, insight, awareness, health, and well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, financially, etc.

What time is the Sunday Celebration Service?

We meet every 1st and 3rd Sundays in person at 320 E. Towsontown Boulevard, Terrace Level -- in the headquarters of the Children's Chorus of Maryland.


We meet virtually -- on Zoom and Facebook -- on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays.


Our Pre-Service Meditation starts at 10:10am ET and the Sunday Celebration Service starts at 10:30 am.  Each Gathering lasts about one hour and 15 minutes. After-Service Fellowship starts immediately after Service -- in person at CCM or in Zoom Room when virtual. There are other activities and gatherings throughout the month. Information is available on our Events page and on Facebook.

What Can I Expect at the Sunday Celebration Service?

At the Center for Spiritual Living Greater Baltimore, we aim to provide spiritual tools and resources for you to explore and experience your own spirituality. We honor the Truth found in all faith traditions.  Our messages are designed to help you apply universal spiritual principles to your daily living.

Our Sunday Celebration Services include uplifting music, powerful meditation, inspiring and uplifting messages, and Affirmative Prayer.

Where Should I Park?

There's plenty of parking at the Cranston Building, 320 E. Towsontown Boulevard. Our entrance is on the TERRACE LEVEL at the corner of AIGBURTH Avenue. We're in person on the 1st, 3rd and sometimes 5th Sundays of the month.

How Do I become a Member?

When you are ready to join our CSLGB spiritual community, the first thing is to schedule a chat with Robin Farinholt, our Board President. Next we ask that you take the "Discovery Class" which is a brief introduction to who and what CSLGB is, what we believe, our teachings, and our connection to the Centers for Spiritual Living organization. The Discover Class is offered on line or in person.  

Our Beliefs

Wherever You Are On Your Spiritual Journey, You Are Welcome Here!

We believe that the Universe is fundamentally spiritual and that it has intelligence, purpose, beauty, and order. Our beliefs are in harmony with the basic tenets of all the world’s religions and for that reason, we honor all paths to God, called by many names.


Whether we call it God, Spirit, Energy, Higher Power, Creator, Goddess, Great Spirit, or Universal Intelligence, every person, place, and thing emanates from this Spiritual Universe. We believe this Universal Intelligence is within us, as well as around us, and that we are conscious of it.

We believe that God is a loving intelligence, operating in and through all life, never separate from anyone or anything. Through classes, study, and spiritual practice we come to understand our oneness with this indwelling Divine Presence. We teach and practice a way of life where we can all learn how to live in accordance with spiritual principles. These principles, which we call the Science of Mind®, are as reliable as the laws of physical science.


We believe there is a body of knowledge about Spiritual Laws that operate in the Universe as Cause and Effect. We teach that “It is done unto you as you believe” and “As you think, so you become.” In essence, our thinking and our expectations create our reality. It is in studying and applying spiritual laws that we can change our unconscious beliefs and create improved conditions in our lives.

We teach and practice a way of life where we can all learn how to live in accordance with Spiritual Principles. These Principles, which we call the Science of Mind, are as reliable as the laws of physical science. In essence, our thinking and our expectations create our reality.

Ernest Holmes wrote the Declaration of Principles, also known as “What We Believe,” for the first issue of Science of Mind magazine that was published in 1927. “What We Believe” has been included in every issue of the magazine since then for the past 88 years.

By studying and applying spiritual laws, we can change our unconscious beliefs and create improved conditions in our life.

Declarations of Principles

WE BELIEVE in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-existent Cause. This One manifests Itself in and through all creation, but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.

WE BELIEVE in the individualization of the Spirit in us, and that all people are individualizations of the One Spirit.

WE BELIEVE in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.

WE BELIEVE that heaven is within us, and that we experience it to the degree that we become conscious of it.

WE BELIEVE the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.

WE BELIEVE in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling presence.

WE BELIEVE in the direct revelation of Truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature, and that anyone may become a revealer of truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.

WE BELIEVE that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind, which is the Law of God; and that we are surrounded by this Creative Mind which receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it.

WE BELIEVE in the healing of the sick and control of conditions through the power of this Mind.

WE BELIEVE in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness and the eternal Givingness of Life to All.

WE BELIEVE in our own soul, our own spirit, and our own destiny; for we understand that the life of all is God.

The Teaching Symbol

This is our teaching symbol, designed by our Founder, Ernest Holmes










It symbolizes the creative process of both Universal and individual Life based on the profound idea that we are “made in the image and likeness “ of the ONE. Its literal definition is “The descent of Spirit, through Law, into form.”  


The Circle represents Infinite Spirit or the ONE. This circle contains three sections representing three aspects of the Divine Reality, or a "trinity" of Life.  


The top section represents Spirit, the Absolute Nature of the Divine, the impulsion of Love and the Desire to Create. It can also be understood as the Creator, or First Cause. This is the seed of thought, belief or intention.   Within that Infinity is Spiritual Law. Law is accessed by each of us, first by our conscious awareness. Then, we empower some of our thoughts with feeling. Thoughts surrounded by feeling become beliefs—and our beliefs create our experience of conditions, forms, effects.


The center section represents this Law of Cause and Effect (Soul), meaning the orderly process through which the Will of God (the impulsion of Love) becomes manifested or created. This is the soil into which the seed is planted.  


The lower section is Body, meaning the physical, created universe which is understood to be the actual manifestation (incarnation) of Spirit in Form. This is the growing plant which is the result of the seed being planted.  


The “V” symbolizes the Creative Process itself, reminding us that any impulsion or cause, be it a thought, intention or belief, moves through Law and becomes part of the physical. For every form, experience or effect there is a cause whether consciously planted or not.  


By developing a new belief in the goodness and givingness of life, each of us can manifest a new way of being in the world: greater happiness, harmony, prosperity, anything we can imagine. Consciously using the Law of Mind toward these ends, we contribute something positive into the collective belief system of all humankind, setting an intention of a higher good for all. 

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